Just for Grins: The CVHN Mobile Dental Clinic
In 2008 CVHN will launch its first mobile dental clinic program. This program provides preventive dental care and education to local school-aged children on the free or reduced lunch programs. Dental decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease. Every week, CVHN receives calls to help children with severe dental problems. Children as young as 5 need root canals and multiple teeth extracted. Left untreated, dental decay has short and long term negative effects including poor overall health and untreated decay is linked to diseases such as diabetes, heart and lung disease and strokes. Sadly, dental decay is almost entirely preventable. The Just for Grins mobile dental clinic will provide the dental treatment and education needed to transition kids from costly and painful emergency dental care to cost-effective preventive care, allowing these kids to remain healthy and be productive students. The first Just for Grins program will initially visit Walton County elementary schools and serve children K-3 on the free or reduced lunch programs. Sponsorship opportunities are available through CVHN.
Healthcare Referral Form & Process
The school teachers identify children who need medical attention and send them to the school nurse. The school nurse has a parent or guardian fill out the simple CVHN referral form and she faxes it to CVHN. The CVHN Case Manager matches the child with the appropriate healthcare provider and schedules an appointment. The child is then picked up by a volunteer at the school if the parent is unable to transport the child to the doctor’s office. Any follow-up care is scheduled by the CVHN Case Manager.
UNARx Prescription Card
This FREE DRUG CARD program is sponsored by Children’s Volunteer Health Network, Inc. to help all Americans cut their prescription drug costs. Simply download your FREE Prescription Drug Card and receive savings of up to 75% at more than 50,000 national and regional pharmacies. Participating pharmacies include the following: Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, Eckerd Drugs, Publix, Winn Dixie, Sweetbay Pharmacies and Kmart as well as thousands of independent pharmacies.
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